© NZ Command LF
© NZ Command LF
© NZ Command LF
Minutes of the Annual Conference of the Legion of Frontiersmen
held on Saturday June 1st  2019 at Katikati: starting at 9.30

L247 Commandant Lieut Colonel Val Baker LSM, LCM, LSEM LMSM, UK& Australia, ACM, AMM, CDSC, CDMM, CTBM, MCH, CGA,  Pnr
3992 Major Joe Yearbury LSM
2126 Major Arthur Myers LSM, LSEM, LMSM, Pnr
3689 Captain Murray Hamblin LSM, LSEM, LMSM Pnr
L255 Captain Ali Baker LSM LSEM
2127 WO1 RSM Ross Vaile LSM, LSEM, LMSM, Pnr

E:    3997 Lieut Mike Smith LSM, LSEM, Pnr, SD, AFSC, MCH, MOH
3888 Sgt Wayne Burrows
3806 Fm John Osborn
F:    1570 Sgt Don Yearbury LSM, LSEM, LMSM, AMM, Gold Pnr,
3976 Lieut Clive Bracey LSM, LSEM,
L3 Sgt Dawn Yearbury LSM, LSEM, LMSM Pnr
L82 Fm Doreen Alexander QSM, LSM, LSEM, Pnr
L284 Fm Chrissy Yearbury,
L192 Fm Dale Bracey LSM, LSEM,
3791 Fm Tony Tedbury,
J.     L254 Sgt Florrie Baker, LSM, LSEM
L104 Fm Ann Sheary LSM, LSEM, Pnr,
3229 Fm Stephen Sheary LSM,
4021 Fm Wei Zhen Kim,
3980 Cpl Martin Layzell,
N:     2112 Cpl Athol Smith LSM, LSEM, Pnr
3869 Fm Alf Hepburn LSM LSEM,
3076 Fm Dave West LSM, LSEM, Pnr
3437 Fm Mike J. Smith,
O.    3534 Sgt/Sec A. Webb LSM, LSEM, Pnr
3893 Sgt Justin Stewart
3833 Fm Bjorn Hamblin
3946 Fm Peter Hamilton
P:    4008 Mike Subritzky, LSM, LSEM, Pnr, AFSC
W.   3403 Lieut Graham Stokes, Pnr
L265 Sgt Carol Stokes
4013 Fm Rob Roy
L270 Fm Raewyn Roy
Y.    3812 Cpl Reg Clarke, LSM
L250 Fm B. Clarke, LSM
L300 Fm A. Clarke, LSM

RSM WO1 Ross Vaile brought the meeting to order, NZHQ and guests were brought into the meeting, taking their places at the top table.  Lt Colonel Val Baker requested that the "Pioneer axe" was brought into the meeting by the Pioneer Sergeant Don Yearbury and placed at the head table to signify that the meeting was about to commence.
All were seated.
Lieut Colonel Val Baker OC Host unit welcomed everyone to Katikati,
Lieut Colonel Val Baker introduced Western Bay of Plenty District Council Mayor Gary Webber. Gary extended a warm welcome to all and declared the Conference open.
Lieut Colonel Baker introduced Rev Reece Frith of the St Paul’s Presbyterian Church who blessed the meeting.
Captain Baker to assist with recording the minutes:
Lieut Colonel Baker announced that God Save the Queen would play and this would be followed by the last post roll call for all to remain standing.

God Save the Queen

Last Post Roll Call:
L73 Parrish Sandra Gae - 'H' Troop - (25 July 2018)
3682 Parrish Rob - 'H' Troop - (23 March 2019)
4043 Bowater Ian - 'H' Troop - (19 May 2019)
One minutes silence was observed

Life Members - Long Service: Read from newest to longest
3013 Nelson S - 42 years - 'P' Troop
3087 Peake T - 44 years - 'D' Troop, Waihi
3315 West D - 45 years - 'N' Squadron
1624 Bowen L - 47 years - 'D' Troop, Waihi
2112 Smith A - 48 years - 'N' Squadron
2127 Vaile D.R - 49 years - 'J' Troop
2126 Myers A.G - 49 years - 'Y' Squadron
1846 Lynch E - 54 years - 'D' Troop, Waihi
1570 Yearbury D.A - 59 years - 'F' Troop
1360 Lepper A.W - 63 years - 'L' Squadron
1105 Yorke R.D - 64 years - 'F' Troop

Captain Baker stated that of the five Life Members who attended conference this year had a combined years of service of 250 years.

Lieut Colonel Baker thanked the two guests and gave them a token of our appreciation.

Commandants Report: Read by Lieut Col Val Baker.
Commandants Report:
It gives me great pleasure to address you all at my first conference as Commandant especially as it is being held in my own small town of Katikati.
I take this time to thank my team of Headquarters staff members, I am sure that some of them knew that I would be a task master, but I am sure that they would agree that changes needed to take place for the existence of our organisation to continue.  I believe that greater transparency needed to be carried out and that more information is not only recorded but is filtered out to you as members.
         Prior to the elections I thought very seriously on who was to take on each role that needed to be filled on NZHQ staff,  taking into consideration, a person’s health and knowledge, and always looking to the future of the LOF, so a mixture of younger newer members and older experienced members was needed.
         The biggest roles other than my own I felt was the combining of Records Officer and Adjutant, for this I choose Barry Coker who has unfortunately had to retire due to his or Gail’s health, however while he was holding the position they did a wonderful job, sorting through years of records and co-allocating them into easy files allowing reference to years of knowledge.  For the work they did the command should be extremely grateful, I know as an archivist I am.
         When Barry retired, I once again called upon Arthur to take on the role of Adjutant and with his health now improved one that he has proven quite capable of handling.  The Records Officers job, has been handed over to one of the twins, who is completely new to Headquarters, so please give the girl a break as there is no written notes on what needs to be done or not done and things will change and I know she has a form printed that will aid her to modernise things for the command. The other new position which was created this year is the Central North Island position which Kathy has accepted unfortunately due to private personal matters she has been unable to attend sending her apologies to you all.
         I believe that one must also have stability on a committee so those experienced in their roles thank you for  continuing,  Ross and Murray, I have taken note of what you have recorded over the years in the journals and hope that we show a change and taken your advice on matters.
         Now I believed that one of the biggest roles is the selection of my 2 IC, before I stood I considered who was the appropriate person for this, I sat down and wrote a list of qualities that I felt the command needed, in fact What is needed to be a commandant or a 2 IC in my opinion I came up with 9:
Future Commandant Material
Leader and management skills
Business minded
Modern outlook
Deportment and Dress
Knowledge of the organisation
Lighter side
Ties in ones troop
In my opinion Joe has these qualities, in the last year he has excelled in many of these areas, for his humour I truly thank him it has been a delight to serve beside you and your cheer has lifted my spirits when needed.  I ask every one of you to give this your new staff every bit of respect that their ranks deserve in their positions and all help them as some of them are new and are learning as they go.
         With that in mind there have been many changes since 2018 when I first won the election, and I am sure over the coming day or so you will notice a lot more changes happening, many of them will be only slightly different others will be more obvious.  We as an organisation must change otherwise we will be left behind, we need to grow our numbers attract different walks of life to us.  Often this will mean we have to step outside our comfort zones, try something new, watch and take note of those who are growing in numbers like O Troop who continue to grow in numbers.  Yes they lose one or two on the way but over all their numbers are growing.  To them I congratulate your efforts, may they continue and that you share what you have been doing with the rest of us as it is working for you. Another unit that is growing is  E Squadron, thinking outside the square.
         I was given a piece of advice when I became commandant, which tells me that holding onto this position can be lonely at times however some of you may not agree with how I will do things, I will listen to you and try to help where needed but the advice I was given, A commandant is a servant to all but sub-servant to no one individual.
         Let us all remember we all have feelings and we all have roles to play in this organisation, give this Headquarters the time to prove that we are working for the future of the command, let us strive together.  If I don’t prove to you that the changes are worth continuing then in two years time you have the choice again, but for now let’s move forward together.  To everyone that has made an effort to attend I also thank you, let us have a good conference together.
Moved Major Myers/RSM Ross Vaile “That the Commandant’s report be received and accepted. Carried

Meeting broke for morning tea.

E.Fm Donna Osborn
F:Fm Des Yorke Gold Pnr
J: Fm P Whitu & Fm W. Seeley
N:Capt K Butler Pnr, Shane Funnell, Steve Smith,
O:Pnr R. Paton
P:Fm S & E Nelson
Y:All of Y that had not attended

Moved by Lt Mike Smith/Pnr Alf Hepburn “That apologies be accepted" Carried

From this point onwards in these minutes awards will not be mentioned, refer please to above lists.

Minutes of Previous Conference:
Moved Pnr Ann Sheary/Lt Graham Stokes “That the minutes be taken as read and are a true and correct record.” Carried

Matters Arising:

Correspondence: Inwards/Outwards
No inwards or outwards correspondence that haven’t already been dealt with by NZHQ.

Unit Reports:
The unit reports are to be printed in the journal using those yearly reports supplied to NZHQ with the annual returns; this has been done in the February issue.

Financial Report:
Open for discussion:
Sgt Dawn Yearbury, wanted to know why the accounts where only sent out one week before conference and therefore when the unit printed them off didn’t have time to go over the reports before conference.

Records Officers Report:
The delegates and Headquarters staff all have a copy of the financial reports, we have changed the way the financials have been presented to better reflect and show transparency and comparisons between year to year. Notice that there are repairs and maintenance, this is for the LOF monument in National Park, for the chemicals used to clean the monument, the paint was in fact donated.
These financial returns are from the 1st of April 2018 to 31st March 2019, please note that a large amount of the expenses are from the previous headquarters. This current headquarters staff has initiated savings wherever possible.  For example as 3 of the headquarters staff live in Katikati and NZHQ meetings are held in Katikati no travel assistance for those 3 headquarters staff had been paid. Two of the HQ Staff who travel the furthest distance only charge half of what they are entitled to. As NZHQ staff travel to and from HQ meetings in 1 day we’ve made further savings in accommodation expenses a previous claim made by two staff members to attend HQ Meetings. We further made savings by Florrie Volunteering, and working from 5 to 10 o’clock at night amounting to some 40 hours so the command would not be charged for this work to sort out the financial accounts from the previous 2018 year so it could balance, before starting on the 2019 accounts which was relatively easy to put together. For a lack of a better words to “Fix the errors so they would be accurate.” In accounting terms Assets less Liabilities = Equity. Due to Florrie doing the work after hours, free of charge the accounting fee was less this year than in previous years. This year’s savings in accounting fees will show in next year’s accounts.
Discussions took place including those statements made by Sgt Florrie Baker who had done the work to clear up the previous annual account errors. The recommendations as requested at the 2018 conference have also been implemented.
The matter on the issuing of receipts, it was stated that if a unit wanted a receipt to ask for one from NZHQ, as it was an out of date practice that most business’s no longer do, as is the use of cheque books, which are also going out of fashion. The Command would have to modernize to cope with these changes. Captain Baker stated that even their own accountant firm does not issue receipts.  

Moved by Lieut Mike Smith/Fm Mike Subritzky “That thanks be given to the accountant firm for their support and that of Sgt Baker for the hours worked on the accounts” carried

Moved Fm Rob Roy/Pnr Alistair Webb “That the financial accounts be accepted” carried

Moved Sgt Florrie Baker/Pnr Ross Vaile “That the financials be accepted without review or audit.”
A remit would have to put forward next year to accommodate this change as it the accounts have not been audited or reviewed for a number of years.

Appointment of Auditor:
Moved Lieut Col Val Baker/RSM Ross Vaile “That Katikati Chartered Accountants Limited (KCA) is the Accountant.” Carried

Held over to remits:

Public Liability Insurance:
Held over until remits:

No changes have been made to the Archivist, Editor, Quartermaster & Webmaster.

Conference Venues:
2022:We would look into and advise.

Lieut Colonel Baker stated that each of the remits would be taken by different members of HQ

Captain Murray Hamblin took:

Remit 1:
“That in future all awards presented to recipients be paid for by NZHQ, except where replacements are required then these will continue to be paid for by the recipient.”
Discussion took place Lt Clive Bracey thought that each unit should pay for the awards. Most members felt this should not be the case and when put to the vote only 2 units against 6 for. Remit carried.

Remit 2:
Captain Murray Hamblin took:
“Alter the Form 8: applications for Awards to reflect that the award is no longer paid for by troop/Squadron or the recipient” 

Remit 3:
Lieut Colonel Val Baker took:
“That the joining date of a member is taken as the day the money is received and the day the applicant signs the form, not the date of the Commandant signing the form.”

Remit 4:
Lieut Colonel Val Baker took:
“That the Command accepts the Memorandum of Understanding as supplied from overseas and circulated, in principal once assurances have been checked that it does not contradict our own rules on affiliation.”

Remit 5:
Major Arthur Myers took:
“That Capitation is set as follows:Full members Renewals $50.00 new plus $10.00
Cadets: renewals $10.00 new plus $2.00
Associate: renewals $10.00 new plus $2.00
Veterans: $50.00
Life members:Zero rated”
Discussion followed and remit broken down into parts:  remit carried

Broke for photos and lunch: 12.30 to 1.15

Remit 6:
RSM Ross Vaile took
Amend section 7.12.1 “That the conference levy be set at $15.00”
Carried W Troop against:

Remit 7:
Capt Ali Baker Took
“that NZHQ pays the public liability Insurance for the Command”
Capt Baker Stated that the Insurance had been increasing by $40.00 a year to the current account was to be $882.00 for the year, the Insurance Broker had in fact since one phone call was made to him decided to reduce the account to $632.50 and increase the coverage to include a health and safety extension.
Sgt Dawn Yearbury said that the rule 7.5.1 page 27 of the rule book states that the command will pay for the public liability.  Remit was withdrawn
Lieut Col Baker moved that NZHQ pay the account as this still needed to be passsed for payment: Carried

Remit 8:
Lieut Colonel Val Baker took:
“That a new section is added to section 14 Awards: New rule Section 14.16.0 Bronze Axe”
Discussion took place regarding the use of old badges, for example N Squadron’s marching frontiersman, the old associate badge from the 1950’s. These all where decided not to be used.
Remit was put and carried

Remit 9:That the following be the rules for the Bronze Axe:
14.16.1“The Legion of Frontiersmen New Zealand Command has instituted the Bronze Axe in order to recognize exceptional and exemplary services to the New Zealand Command”
14.16.2“Subject to these regulations the Bronze Axe shall be awarded by New Zealand Command Headquarters, upon recommendation and approval, to overseas Command Personnel or Associate members, who have rendered not less than 5 years continuous service to the New Zealand Command.”
14.16.3“The award will be properly known as the “Bronze Axe” which is described as a Bronze metal Bushman’s plumb axe 37 mm in length.”
14.16.4“The award will be worn (One inch) 25mm above the right breast pocket.”
14.16.5“No post-nominal is to be used for this award.

Discussion followed and the general feeling was to remove the word Pioneer from the rules so it reads “Bronze Axe” only.  Therefore the following wording in 14.16.1. & 14.16.2 14.16.3 the word Pioneer is to be removed. It was also noted that this award could not be worn on a Legion uniform unless the person was an overseas member.  If an associate then joined the command as a full member it could not be worn on the uniform.
Remit Carried

Remit 10:
Major Joe Yearbury Took:
Add to section 14.4.0 Pnr Axe amend rule 14.4.3 Add words “with Exceptional and Exemplary service” after the word years”
New rule will read Subject to these regulations the Pioneer Axe is awarded by New Zealand Headquarters upon the recommendation of ta Unit Commander to a person who has rendered not less than 20 years continuous service, or a cumulative broken service of not less than 23 years, with exceptional and exemplary service.

General Business:

Alistair Webb, asked the question of why the Mayor is clapped by the minister is not.  It was generally felt that the Mayor or speaker gives a speech however the Minister gives a blessing and therefore one doesnot clap for a blessing.

Rob Roy, asked the question why the members who where with CMO and have now rejoined the NZ Command do not have their time recorded, Lt Colonel Baker stated that he needed to wait as things where in the process and that times are being transferred from one organisation to another, but would like to have it noted that much of the information of CMO members had not been transferred to the command to assist the command.  And that she was not prepared to say anymore.

Old Journals & Old Hats:
Discussion followed regarding what is to happen with these extra issues, the command now has three complete copies two of which are bound in two separate places while the third is kept loose in a third place, Lt Mike Smith has a fourth complete set and Alexander Turnbull also has a set.
The hats are not suitable for use on parade either out of shape, wrong colour and very old in appearance. Members could take what ever they wanted and they had been left available during the day for members to take.

Moved by Wayne Burrows/Dave West, "That 'E' Squadron will take all old journals and old hats for use and then they can  destroy those not being used by them. carried

John Osborne, spoke on keeping up with old members that it is very important to do so.

Martin Layzell and Val Baker raised the question of rank structure for those on NZHQ then reverting to a lower rank in a unit, and not getting the due respect that the higher position holds.  It was generally felt that all NZHQ staff are due the respect that their title warrants, even though members travel to another area to help out with duties it is normal that a duty officer is in charge of the duty but that doesnot mean that a NZHQ staff member can take over and be in charge of the duty but he/she is still due the respect of the higher rank.

Printing of Journals:
A discussion took place regarding the costs of the journals and how it has doubled since the command first recieved a new quote from the local printer from $100.80 plus postage and envelopes to $242.00 plus the last journal was paid for by Mike Subritzky personally, the command had to decide what they wanted to do. The journal costs could be less if instead of having it bound into a booklet that it is stapled in the corner only if this was done then Lt Col Baker would be able to produce the journal herself and print at the office.  The command felt that they would like it stapled down the side with a couple of staples.  This could be trialled.

Alf Hepburn stated that it would be good if the weathier units would look into paying for the cost of printing the journal, in the meantime N Squadron would be the first unit to offer to pay for the journal which is due out now. 
The costing of the journal to be put into the journal so that units could consider the option of paying for the printing.

Shooting trophies: None competed for.

Oath of Allegiance:  Captain Hamblin read the Oath of Allegiance which all repeated.
Captain Baker Played God Defend New Zealand where everyone joined in.
The RSM Ross Vaile brought the Command to attention
Gold Pioneer Sergeant Don Yearbury came forward to March out the "Pioneer Axe" from the top table.

Lieut Col Val Baker as there was no further business the confernce was closed and  broke for afternoon tea at 3p.m. and free time to the evening function.
RSM Ross Vaile gave the order to march out the officers.

There were no shooting competitions held for 2019:

Pioneer Cross [NZPC]
           2126 MYERS Arthur
Pioneer Axe [Pnr]
           3869 HEPBURN Alfred
           3976 BRACEY Clive
           4044 CAWTE Robin
           4054 BOWATER Gavin
           L192 BRACEY Dale
Meritorious Service Medal [LMSM]   
           3534 WEBB Alistair Edward Theodore
           4044 CAWTE Robin
Silver Fern [SF]
           3893 STEWART Justin
           3229 SHEARY Stephen
Long Service & Efficiency Medal [LSEM]
           3700 COTTER Thomas Worthington
           3729 SMITH Bevin David
           3812 CLARKE Reginald
           4013 ROY Robert
           L242 McNAUGHTON Jill
           L250 CLARK Bibiana
           L265 STOKES Carol
           L300 CLARK Anthony
Service Medal [LSM]
           3791 TEDBURY Tony
           L265 STOKES Carol
           L270 ROY Raewyn
           L284 YEARBURY Chris
           4021 Wei Zhen Kim

Claude Bathe Rose Bowl: Martin Layzell

Baden Henry Trophy: Chrissy Yearbury

Carlin Trophy: Mike Subritzky

Dip Stick Award: Murray Hamblin

Stirrers Spoon: Alistair Webb

Doug Baker Round Tuit Award:  “The Command”

Ray Hammond Memorial Inspiration Trophy:  Cpl Martin Layzell

Claude Bathe Memorial Shield/Frontiersman of the Year:  Cpl Reg Clarke

Behobeho          East Africa 1915 - 1917          Nyangao          Kilimanjaro          Great War 1917          Belgium 1914 -18
Official website of the
Legion of Frontiersmen (New Zealand) Command
The Pro Patria Project - Listing of all decorated New Zealanders
Legion Stories from the past
Photographs from Conferences past in New Zealand
Decorated Frontiersmen
Contact the command
The Awards of the Legion
Past & present Patrons and Commandants of the Command